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Central Illinois Aerospace


GARLO 2024

GARLO 2024 T-shirt design

Music of the Spheres

The Great Annual Rocket Launch of 2024

The 35th Annual Launch-and-Lunch

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, June 29, 2024
Dodds Park
north and west of the intersection of Bradley and Mattis, in Champaign, IL

GARLO Postponed
Due to the weather forecast for June 29 we have decided to postpone GARLO to Saturday, July 13. If you have any questions you can contact Greg Smith, Director of Operations, at 217-840-1678, or through email to operations@ciarocketry.org.

Check back later for a flier for GARLO 2023 you can print and pass along to your friends.

For more information send a message to:



CIA web pages are maintained by webmaster@ciarocketry.org, last update June 17, 2024