CIA calendar for the year

Our biggest launch of the year

Contact the CIA

Maps and directions

Join the CIA

Our photo gallery

Fliers and other useful files

Learn more about the rocketry hobby

Education & outreach activities

Gary Buck Memorial Flight Award
Given to the most spectacular flight at GARLO each year

Links to other groups and more cool stuff

Fun and useful gadgets

Cool things we sell

The CIA email list

The CIA on Facebook


Welcome to the Central Illinois Aerospace home page

Special Notice
Due to the weather forecast for June 29 we will be postponing GARLO until Saturday, July 13. If you have any questions you can contact Greg Smith, Director of Operations, at 217-840-1678, or through email to operations@ciarocketry.org.

Central Illinois Aerospace (CIA) is Champaign-Urbana's model rocket club, an affiliate of the Champaign Park District, the National Association of Rocketry, and the Tripoli Rocketry Association. We're dedicated to safety, education, and above all FUN in our model rocket activities. Monthly meetings cover a variety of topics. Fully-insured launches are held twice each month, including GARLO, our biggest launch of the year. We coordinate with the FAA for high-power rocket launch waivers. In addition we hold occasional workshops on various aspects of hobby rocketry. We are also available to put on a variety of educational programs for schools and other groups. Non-members, newcomers and spectators are always welcome at all events. Check our Operations page for upcoming club activities. See our Membership page for information on joining the club. Come fly with us! Check our Contacts page for links to other rocketry groups and events. Take a look at our photo gallery to see how much fun model rocketry is.

For more information about our club and activities send a message to:


Getting Started

If you are interested in getting started in model rocketry check out these events for beginners.

Join Us

Of course everyone is welcome to come to a launch or a meeting at any time. We hope you will find model rocketry to be a fun and rewarding experience and that you will consider joining our group. Contact the club officers for more information on the benefits of membership. See our Membership page for information on joining the club.

Email List

To receive the latest news on CIA activities you may want to subscribe to the CIA email list. We have a Groups.io email list. Visit the group web site or subscribe below. Contact cia-list-owner@ciarocketry.org if you have any trouble with the list.

NAR logo Central Illinois Aerospace is section 527 of the
National Association of Rocketry


TRA logo Central Illinois Aerospace is associated with the
Tripoli Rocketry Association


CPD logo Central Illinois Aerospace is affiliated with the
Champaign Park District

CIA web pages are maintained by webmaster@ciarocketry.org, last update June 28, 2024